In an effort to educate you as to which Mitsubishi officials are aware of the problem - as to make sure you don't accept them saying to you, "I am not aware of the issue.", I will post the names of Employees of Mitsubishi and dealerships which have direct knowlege of the problems.
Jorgen Wetterings - Assistant General Counsel, MMNA (CA)
Erin Steel - Dir. Customer Relations, MMNA (CA)
Dan Irvin- Spokesman, MMNA (IL)
Rich Gorkes - Regional Manager, MMNA (GA)
Ed Voyles Mitsubishi (GA)
Atlanta Mitsubishi (GA)
Rice Mitsubishi (TN)
John Reener - Midwest District Manager (IL)
Post with names of people, or dealers, you have dealt with.
I have been in contact with several different dealerships and they all seem to have an excuse. I have also been in contact with 7 on your side. New Channel ABC here in CA. Please let me know if you know where to go from here. This is a major problem and them giving their customers lame excused is BS. They should be backing there products and wanting to make there customers happy. Robin
Posted by: robin | December 28, 2006 at 04:34 PM
i can't believe this!i am outraged! please help me! i have a 2001 mitsubishi galant, bought brand new in oct 2000, my paint is disappearing like crazy. the man in charge of the body shop said "i haven't ever seen anything like that. I will have to get in touch with the rep." still nothing ever heard back from either of them. the sad thing is, that i can't sell this car like this and getting a paint job will only decrease the value and the trust of the new buyer. they will only think something more traumatic had happened to the car. and it's paid off! what to do? please if you know of anything i can possibly do, please contact me. thanks
Posted by: sarah rosenthal | January 11, 2007 at 07:09 PM
This website seems to be a bit out-dated (most posts are in 2006). Is there any updates to the paint problem? I started experienceing problems with the paint within 4-5 years of owning my car. Mistubishi dealer wont do anything to help me. Has anything come out of this for anyone???
Posted by: Diana | January 20, 2009 at 09:14 PM
My husband and I purchased an 2000 black eclipse. The car run goods but looks like crap. The paint is gone from the roof and trunk lid. Green Mistubishi told us no to new paint job even after i was willing to go half on the paint job. The reason is we are not original owners of the car. This was not my husband first eclipse and now it is his last. Let me know how to get this matter taking care of. I hate to pay for Maaco!
Posted by: Richelle | March 24, 2009 at 01:49 AM
There should be a class action lawsuit filed against The Mitsubishi Corporation. There are people all over the U.S. with the same problem this is bad customer service the problem should be taken care of immediately. I have an 02' galant and the paint chipped down the metal. Its an eye sore I like my car but the paint is horrible. Please contact me if anyone has new info regarding this issue. You can e-mail me at [email protected] Thanks
Posted by: Alexis Sayles | May 05, 2009 at 04:17 AM
I have this problem with my 2004 Endeavor. The hood and top of the car are fading out with the tin metal underneath beginning to show. I called up my dealer,, and they sent in photos to corporate and corporate refused to provide any service at all.
Posted by: Prakash Jain | September 24, 2009 at 05:30 PM
My 2002 Mits. Galant LS is an embarresment to drive. The entire roof and trunk are faded. I knew I should have went with the Nissan Maxima. Are there any updates or class action lawsuits going on. I also had a problem with the heating coil, had no heat last winter (live in Mass.)! I spent $600 to have that fixed. I went to the dealership and was told they never heard of this problem. I have read many many blogs about heating coil probs. I don't want to let them get away with another lie! this is BS!
Posted by: Kelly | October 21, 2009 at 08:57 PM
Katriell law firm supose to have been a settlement? call Mitsubishi they will give you the information.
Posted by: melissa | November 09, 2009 at 10:30 PM
Katriel law firm has apparently reached a settlement with Mitsubishi. I called Mitsubishi and they gave me the info to contact them, but I CANT get an answer from them. If you have not signed the i-petition please sign it, it makes a huge difference. PLEASE DONT GIVE UP and dont settle on a settlement that doesnt do us justice. We have forensic science on our side and there are tests that can be done to prove defective paint- i am not sure this has been pursued, but I am in the process of this now. Mitsubishi is NOT going to get away with this any longer, They are a dishonorably company and hard working Americans DO NOT deserve to be treated with such disrespect. Miutsubishi will pay up!!!
Posted by: melissa | November 09, 2009 at 10:38 PM
I brought my 2005 Galant new with only 12 miles on it, needless to say after 3years the paint start peeling no one could help or tell me how to get help for the problem. As of today I am so embrassed to be driving a car that i am still paying on and the majority of the car has peeled down to gray where it use to be black, while everyone is talking about Toyota they should also be talking about how Mitsubishi will not take care of a problem they created by not putting the clear coat on some of their cars. SHAME ON YOU MITSUBISHI
Posted by: MARY | May 05, 2010 at 12:17 PM
I have a 2004 Endeavor that looks horrible!!! I filled out all the necessary documents for the paint settlement. The only thing they offered me was $300 max for a paint job!!! You would think that if they gave a damn about their products, they would own up to their mistakes and have a designated body shop for all affected customers to go to and have their car repaired. All these Mitsubishi vehicles on the roads looking like they have cancer are very bad advertisement for the company. I feel like I have been totally screwed!!
Posted by: Johnna | July 20, 2010 at 11:34 AM
New fingerprint reader scans prints without touching skin. The world's first scanning device that reads fingerprints without touching the skin will hit the market this autumn, Mitsubishi Electric said.
Posted by: Cheap Tyre Changer | February 19, 2011 at 10:36 AM
I have a 2006 Eclipse SE (Burnt Orange. The top has faded and the enamel has bubbled and chipped. It looks awefull. It's a nice car but the paint is crappy. I don't know what they did to make it do that. I have seen other Eclipse SE's like mine that are starting to do the same thinkg and it's not fair to pay all that money to have a nice car and it look like CRAP. I WANT IT REPAINTED!!
Posted by: Elizabeth | August 23, 2011 at 09:48 PM
I just bought a 2003 Eclipse Spyder GT, beautiful car but I noticed that the paint on the sides of the car are bubbling and the trunk and hood color do not match the rest of the car. I did not notice it at first but then when I really started admiring my beautiful new aquamarine convertible I saw something was horribly wrong. It looks like it is getting worse everyday but since I am not the original owner I was told nothing can be done. I also have an issue with my heating coil and I have water leaking out on a daily basis on the floor of my car, it runs all the way into the drivers-side rear seat. It looks horrible and when I drove home to show my parents I had to tell them I left the top down and it rained. Love the car but not happy with the paint and heating coil!
Posted by: Sandra D. | September 06, 2011 at 08:31 PM